Sunday, February 8th. 2009 |
Hello and welcome again. Today I decided to add another of my recently built Aggressor Skyhawk's to the Gallery. So here is my "Little brown Tiger". I hope you will like it as much as I do.
These days we are looking forward to our next scheduled trip with our group.We have currentlyplanned to visit the large Aviartion museum in Speyer and Sinsheim/Germany. Within the next days we should know how much of us will comealong and assoon as this is decided we will start the final planing of our trip. I think I don't have to say, that I will post all picturesof this trip right here. Additional we received final informations concerning the upcoming Airshow here in Austria in Zeltweg and of course weare planing to get there as well. As soon as I have received a few more informations I willlet you all know about this specatcular event.
My book is finally finished and within the next few days I will open up the webshop. Togehter with that I will post a few more informations about the book and how to order it. Just give me a few more daysand I willpost all necessary informations. Until that I wish you all the best and please if you like it, keepcoming back formore inforamtions andmost of all, keep on modeling, René Hieronymus |
Monday, February 2nd, 2009 |
Hello and welcome back again, today I have another update for all our friends in form of just another well known aircraft in service with the US Navy. The title for this one is: "Fun for two", see for yourseldf and I hope you will enjoy.. I had such a lot of fun building this aircraft in its somewhat unusual paint scheme that I have decided to do some more like this. I will post them all within the next time.
The article about my model of the USS Sangamon in the "Great Scale Modeling 2009" has already shown some effect. Quite some people have gotten in contact with me about this model, among them an old friend which I haven't heard of since quite some years; (If you read this----- Hi David) In the meantime I have another small Diorama at work and hopefully I will be able to finish this thing pretty soon.. Of course I will post all picture about this little project here too!
And finally I have some good news concerning my book about the Sangamon. Within this week, the very last problems will be solved and after that I will be able to take orders, so if you are interested in my work and this model, please be patient for one more week until I will finally open up the webshop. Of course I will post some facts and a short review about this book right here. Until that moment, please keep coming back and most of all, keep on modeling, René Hieronymus |
Monday, January 26th 2009 |
Hello again! Well here I am back again and I am still at home after my little accident.. That way I have been able to finish some work on a few models and today I will post the first of them. So here is the aircraft for which I created the title: "Camouflage - What's that?" I hope you like it.
We are currently planing our next trip to some museums in Germany or here in Austria The date for this trip is already fixedand during the first days of April we will hopefully make some interesting travel. I will of course postas much pictures as possible from this trip. Ther is also the next modelshow coming up In a couple of weeks we will once again meet a lot of friends in Oberschleißheim near Munich. Should you come to this fine modelshow, let us know and perhaps we can meet. Keep on modeling, René Hieronymus |
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