Monday, October 8th. 2007 |
Here we are again, this time I have only a small update consisting of only a single but pretty important aircraft. The title for it is: "Felis prima"... Grummans first fighter or if you like it, their first cat. Hope enjoy it! The reason for this small update is simply that I used the last 2 days for the ongoing work on my Destroyer Escort, the USS Brister. This is simply because the next weekend I will be at a fairly large modelshow here in Austria and I want to display this model there. Off course I will take as much pictures at this modelshow as possible and post them here. So stay tuned and I will be back with another update mid week and then of to the modelshow! |
Friday, October 5th. 2007 |
As promised here is the next update. Arne Klamp joins us today with his first travelreport. This time he was at the Airshow in Manching, at the socalled Waffen-Technische-Dienststelle, a test facility of the German Bundesluftwaffe in southern Germany. He was able to take quite a lot of photos and here is the first batch. There will be another batch or maybe even two as soon as he has been able to sort those photos out and send them to me. Additional I have posted another of Erich Blaickners aircrafts, this time he shows us a Convair F-106A in a specail paint scheme. And what about myself, well I have taken some photos of a pretty small model of an aircarft which I posted under the title "Tormentor". I really hope you will like all those news and please stay tuned cause there is much more to come. |
Wednesday, October 3rd. 2007 |
This is going to be the first update I will do, entirely in English. Due to the fact that this is not my native language, please be patient with me. The main reason for this change is the fact that most of our international visitors could have a problem with the german language. Another fact is the reason that right now we are online with this website since almost exactly 4 weeks and the number of visitors exceeds far what I ever anticipated, more than 2600 people have seen our website since then and I think this is pretty impressive. But what I really would like to ask you all is: give us some feedback!, I would like to know what you think about our website, tell us what you like, tell us what you NOT like, ask questions about the models or projects, tell me what you want to see additional and most of all, show us your work! Since 2 days our little forum(board) is open, so please register yourself and let us have your input, only that way I can make this website even better than it is today. See and hear you on the board!
Additional I will post some more pictures of the next unusal aircarft in service with the US.Navy, this time under the titles: "Skyraider on steroids" and "A Phantom too but not the Phantom II"
Within the next days I should receive several photos which Arne Klamp, a member of our group has taken during an airshow in southern Germany. I will post the first batch of them within this week. The Modelshow in Ried/Austria is coming up and off course I will take some pictures and post them here too.
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